Gemstone of the Week: Bloodstone

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Gemstone of the Week: Bloodstone | Jake Blog

Gemstone of the Week: Bloodstone | Jake Blog

Bloodstone is a type of gem that comes from the Jasper family, though it is usually regarded as the most beautiful of this subset. Flecked with bright red and orange undertones, it’s not hard to see where this gem got its name from. It can also be referred to as heliotrope, Sun Stone or even Christ’s Stone.  With such a superstitious name, it’s also not surprising that this stone has been used in rituals and medical procedures through the centuries. The red spots often found within the stone have been connected to spots of blood in many historical texts. Some even believe the stone to have magical properties because of these marks, with the amount of red correlating to the stone’s power.

The stone was called the ‘Stone of Babylon’ in writings from Albert the Great, who was among those that thought it to have these magical powers. Pliny the Elder believed that the stone would help to cloak the user in invisibility, whereas Damigeron thought that it was able to control the weather. The stone has also been linked to divination and even eternal youth, promoting beauty and good health.

Bloodstone is the birthstone for those born in March, which ties into another interesting fact. We mentioned that it is also known as Christ’s Stone; this is because some believe that the stone was stained red by the blood of Christ. This is a part of the crucifixion story, as the spear tip used was apparently made from Jasper. When used, the blood stained this stone and those around the world.

Bloodstone stone is an incredibly interesting one, which is shrouded in mystery and superstition. Join us as we explore the stone’s properties and things that you may wish to discover about it.


How to Identify Bloodstone

The base colour of Bloodstone can vary, from a dark green to a dark blue hue. Grey tones can also be present within the base colour, though it’s those rust-coloured splotches that make this stone easy to spot. The splotches can be red, a deep brown or sometimes contain flecks of yellow. The contrast between light colours on the surface and darker ones’ underneath make it quite beautiful to look at.

If you’re not sure if you’re dealing with Bloodstone or an imitation, then you can use a scratch test to decide. This is an incredibly hard stone, so scratching the surface should tell you everything that you need to know. If it is easily marked or discoloured, then it’s not true Bloodstone that you have. There isn’t a massive market for imitation versions of this stone, so you may not come across this at all.


Different Colours and Types of Bloodstone

There are a few colour variations that can be found within different samples of Bloodstone. With a deep red Bloodstone and dark undertone, these can be almost indistinguishable from Jasper. The most beautiful forms of this stone have a high contrast between the different colours, sometimes even sporting four or five different tones on a single piece. The clarity of Bloodstone can massively vary too, with some being quite opaque. When polished, this stone takes on a waxy shine, which serves to highlight the different colours within it. Usually, this stone doesn’t undergo very much treatment at all from the mine to the consumer, which is another one of its many natural quirks.

People love to stare at the colours of these stones and even look for patterns within them. Their distinctive appearance makes this one of the simplest stones to identify in its entirely natural form.


Where is Bloodstone Found?

The primary source of Bloodstone for commercial purposes is mines in India. We are still finding this stone all over the world, however, with recent discoveries made on an island off the coast of Scotland. Typically, these discoveries aren’t quite as plentiful as the mines in which they are found. They can be found in small seams and natural occurrences, which means you may stumble on some of this when out in nature. It’s not a particularly valuable gemstone when compared to others, though it does have its uses in jewellery and artwork. Signet rings commonly feature Bloodstone as their main setting, though these are not quite as common as diamond rings or earrings, for instance.

Bloodstone is also found in Armenia, the US, Bulgaria and China – it appears all over the world.


Healing Properties of Bloodstone

Like many of the gemstones that we discuss, Bloodstone has strong roots in the energy healing field. The fracture of blood is said to be deeply indicative of trauma, which many energy healers use to reduce the impact of trauma on their own lives. This is an interesting use of the stone, as it combines the physical appearance with spiritual practice. Bloodstone can also be used by women during childbirth. Many mums clutch onto Bloodstone during labour to fight the pain. Other applications for women include the regulation of hormones and as an ally throughout an entire pregnancy.

Finally, this stone can also be used within the practice of divination. The surface of the stone can be used to scry in a method much the same as reading tea leaves. Some report that different people see different shapes within the stone, which ties in with these reported divination properties.


In Summary

Bloodstone must be one of the most unique and quirky gemstones you can own. It’s not for everyone, but those that can appreciate its natural beauty will very soon be taken with it. Over the years, it has had quite the number of myths and legends attached to it – some of which may very well be true. Ensure that you’re getting high-quality, genuine Bloodstone by using the scratch test. If  you’ve experienced an emotional trauma, embrace Bloodstone to assist with emotional healing.

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