Why is Jewellery Important in Fashion

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When people think of fashion, their first thought is often clothing. While articles of clothing play a huge role, accessories are often just as important. Pairing your outfit with the perfect shoes, bag, and jewellery is vital if you want to look fashionable. Today, we are going to focus on jewellery in particular. While some jewellery is timeless, a large percentage of the pieces rely on that style being on-trend. In this article, we explore why jewellery is important in fashion.

Completes an Outfit

One of the main reasons that jewellery is important in fashion is because it can complete an outfit. With the right jewellery, the feel of an outfit can be adapted to suit the occasion. For instance, a simple black dress can be paired with casual jewellery for a day-time look and then worn with a more glamorous piece in the evening. Wearing a bright, sparkling necklace can turn a simple outfit from drab to fab.

Defines Social Status

Wearing the right jewellery can define your social status. Even if you’re outfit is fairly cheap, wearing an expensive piece of jewellery gives you a high-quality appearance. On the other hand, pairing an expen-sive outfit with cheap-looking jewellery will compromise your whole look. Jewellery doesn’t necessarily have to be expensive to look expensive. If you take the time to shop around, quality pieces can be picked up for almost nothing. If you do invest in a good-quality piece of jewellery, though, it is likely to stay in top condition for years to come. This will allow you to rest easy knowing your go-to piece will be suitable for an event a year in advance.

Defines a Focal Point

One of the best fashion tips of all time is to only have one focal point in your outfit. This is especially im-portant when choosing which jewellery to wear. If your outfit is a little boring, try pairing it with an elabo-rate piece of jewellery to give it a focal point. Make a simple dress more special by adding a statement pearl necklace or a pair of diamond earrings. However, if you’re outfit already has a focal point, be sure to wear simpler jewellery to avoid overpowering it. For instance, if you’re wearing a sequinned dress, try pairing it with a simple chain necklace instead. Learning how to pair jewellery correctly is an important skill if you want to look on-trend. Easily working out what jewellery to wear with your outfit will save precious time in years to come!

Showcases Special Occasions

Jewellery is also important to showcase special occasions. While a fashionable outfit will assure that you look great, jewellery can show off a special day, anniversary, or event. For instance, if you’re planning an engagement party, a ring is needed to show off exactly why you’re celebrating. The same goes for your wedding day, although the dress plays a huge part, jewellery is needed to make the day complete.

Affordable to All

While some jewellery is timeless, others are heavily based on current trends. Typically, pieces that fall into the latter category are known as ‘fashion jewellery’. Fashion jewellery is usually cheaper than other jewellery because it will only remain on-trend for a certain amount of time. This means that people are likely to throw out old pieces with new trends set in. With this in mind, fashion jewellery is usually made with cheaper materials so it is more affordable. This has allowed people of every class to buy beautiful pieces of jewellery without having to break the bank. The best thing about fashion jewellery is that it usually looks expensive, even though it isn’t. Most people won’t be able to tell the difference between a fake diamond necklace and the real thing, providing that the replica is good-quality. Today, there are so many materials available that replicate the appearance of expensive stones. For instance, many pieces of fake diamond jewellery are made from Cubic Zirconia. Almost identical in appearance to Diamond, Cubic Zirconia is used is fashion jewellery all over the world. Another great thing about fashion jewellery is that people can wear it without the fear of losing or damaging it. As it was cheap to buy, a little wear and tear won’t matter.

Defines a Time Period

Jewellery is also important in fashion because it defines a time period. As mentioned previously, the style of fashion jewellery depends on current trends. As each piece goes out of style quickly, most women end up collecting a fair bit over their lifetime. This allows us to look back on the jewellery and remember the trends from that time period. Additionally, fashion jewellery can often be recycled. Although a certain bracelet may go out of fashion it will often come back in again in years to come. With this in mind, it’s sen-sible to keep your favourite pieces of jewellery – even if they drop out of fashion.

Shows Off Personality

The final important thing about jewellery in fashion is that it allows people to show off their personality. Although your choice of outfit can show your personality to a certain extent, pairing it with jewellery takes it that step further. It allows women to ‘be their own stylist’, rather than just wearing the outfit of their favourite designer. Choosing jewellery to compliment your clothing allows your personality to really shine through.

In Summary

Whether you choose to invest in expensive jewellery or you prefer to build a collection of affordable pieces, the right piece of jewellery will make your outfit pop. Looking at the reasons above, it’s not hard to see why jewellery plays such an important role in fashion and why we can expect this to continue for years to come.

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